Top 10 foods cure allergy - Click on the link to access the natural remedies book

3 years ago

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Top 10 foods cure allergy Natural Herbal Remedies . Have you ever wondered why allergies occurs ?

Allergies are caused when the body over reacts to certain substances like pollen, ragweed, animal dander, certain foods, like nuts, eggs, milk, chocolate. Substances which cause allergies are called allergens.

When the body’s immune system identifies these foreign invaders, it sends out antibodies to get rid of them.

Usually, the amount of antibodies sent out is proportional to the amount of allergen. Allergies occur when the body over reacts and sends too many antibodies, which attack the allergen and the body’s own tissue.

This causes the symptoms of allergies, hay fever, itchy skin, they can be light and very annoying , runny nose itchy eyes, or serious, like asthma .

Sometimes allergies are inherited. They can run in the family. Also, if a mother does not have enough nutrition from fresh foods available to her during pregnancy, or if she is stressed and does not eat healthy food during pregnancy, the baby may be more susceptible to allergies.

Stress has been proven to be a major cause of allergies. This is the reason I believe, that alot of people begin getting allergies in their late 20’s and early 30’s. Stress weakens a person’s immune system, and causes over reaction to allergens.

A long time ago, there was no hay fever but since the advent of junk foods and instant food ( frozen foods), hay fever has become rampant. If your hay fever is not inherited , then it could be from the foods you are eating.

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