The David Knight Show Radio Broadcast 13May2021

3 years ago

2:24 Fauci’s “gain of function” experiments are much worse and wide spread than Wuhan and UNC-Chapel Hill

7:00 Medical “ethics” is being redefined. Merriam-Webster changes defintion of “anti-vaxer” (a relatively new term) to include anyone opposed to MANDATORY vaccination.

8:42 Vaccine “hesitancy”? Now that a pregnant woman has died from AstraZeneca and it’s being banned in one country after another, was hesitancy a good idea? Here’s how they “tested” the vaccines…

15:12 As FDA authorizes “emergency use” for 12 yr olds — what’s the emergency when govt stats show they have ZERO risk from COVID? Will governors save the kids? Will parents? Who are the BigPharma bureaucrats (and the companies they control) that gave us the vaccines?

19:57 When your employer coerces or mandates a vaccine — show them THIS from OSHA

29:51 Australia demanded everyone scan QR codes attached to businesses to report their location to govt at all times. Most refused. They’re now adding HEAVY FINES

32:16 Dollars and Nonsense — Biden will spend $20BILLION to DESTROY an overpass because…it’s RACIST. You want to give TRILLIONS to these people for infrastructure? They’re spending us into oblivion — Feds outspent revenue by 90% in the first 7 months of fiscal year 2021 which spans both Trump and Biden administrations

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