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M.O.M.'s Devotion, Our Mother of Mercy Chaplet
Hello, brothers and sisters and Heartdwellers Family. May you all be blessed.
This has been a rough couple of days with discernment, feeling overwhelmed with the ministry, losing my connecting with Jesus, seeking him, and being pounded by the devils, and all in that order. Hopefully, the Lord will give me a message about it as I wait for Him to get clarity and wisdom. I believe much of this onslaught, oppression, and attack is because of the work of Our Mother of Mercy Devotion a few others and myself have been working on.
The Lord spoke to me on Divine Mercy Sunday that this was a mandate to our Franciscan Oblate of Mt. Carmel community to spread the devotion of Our Mother of Mercy. This now is also a new mandate for all Heartdwellers. I knew Mother Clare has talked about this devotion before. Also, the lyrics the Holy Spirit gave me in, The Fathers Delight song is all about Our Mother of Mercy. So, when I shared this with Mother Clare, I was so surprised to find out that Blessed Mother appeared to her as Our Mother of Mercy years ago, and gave her instructions which became the book, “Hope In Winter Comes”.
I then googled online if there was a devotion at all to Our Mother Mercy, and amazingly, there wasn’t. I was in awe and humbled the Lord would choose, once again, little souls like we are to spread this devotion.
We have been working on the website, We call it M.O.M. website because that is who she is to us; where you will find all you need to know about the Chaplet and how to pray it. Also, we have provided some prints you can print out as prayer cards for you to have and share with loved ones and friends. If you don’t have the means to print, you can email us for a prayer card. All of this is in the works and, God willing, the site will be launched today or tomorrow in honor of Mother’s Day because Blessed Mother is the Mother of all Mothers, and Our Mother of Mercy is the Mother to the end-times Church. She is the Mother for the persecuted and suffering Christians, and the Chaplet is for troubled times. How timely! She will be the one to carry the Church into the tribulation, and carry her through. The Chaplet is very powerful and is in union with the Lord’s Divine Mercy Chaplet because their hearts are one.
Please help us, Heartdwellers Family, spread this devotion far and wide. Join the Facebook Page “Our Mother of Mercy Devotion” tonight at @8pm mountain time for a live stream to pray the Mother of Mercy Chaplet with us. Print out M.O.M.’s Prayer Cards and pass them out to everyone. Tell them to run to the refuge of our Beloved Mother of Mercy, our Beloved M.O.M., in these last days.
Here is how it all started, her appearance to Mother Clare in 1994, and she begins.
During Advent of 1994, Our Lady began a special manifestation of her presence during a Rosary group meeting in the Jacksonville, Florida area. Present at these Rosaries were many very devout and faithful Filipinos who worked in the medical community. She initially appeared as Our Lady of Fatima, but after several manifestations, during the following weeks, she began to display the Divine Mercy Rays emanating from her heart.
She announced at a subsequent meeting, "I am your Mother of Mercy." She then began to reveal, the details of her heart; three white roses with a golden crucifix superimposed, from which the Divine Mercy Rays emanate. She has said that the white roses are symbolic of the Most Holy Trinity dwelling in her heart, the source of all holiness. The image of Our Crucified Savior appears in gold emanating the Divine Mercy Rays, Our Lord Jesus' suffering being the source and wellspring of mercy shed for us.
Her arms are opened as in Our Lady of grace welcoming, yet with a beckoning expression on her face, almost sad with the hint of tears. She looks at us so tenderly because she so profoundly sympathizes with our difficult and tortuous times. She is also deeply distressed for fallen mankind and their indifference towards the mercies shed for them through her Son. She pines for those chosen souls also who do not avail themselves of the graces available to them.
She is extending a pleading invitation of Mercy for all. She promises to help all, even the most desperate cases if only they will put their trust in her, the Mediatrix of Mercy.
The color of her dress is Royal Blue. It is the color of the Bride of Christ in the sense that it represents the royal espousal garment of the King of Heaven.
This also has been one of the main teachings of Our Mother of Mercy, to cultivate a love relationship with the Savior as portrayed in the intimate Song of Solomon Scriptures. This relationship cannot be conjured up, it is an invitation from Him, but we can certainly dispose our hearts to receive it through prayer, desire, and amendment of life.
In summary, this image is the counterpart to an image done of Our Lord, the Divine Heart. In this image, Our Lord combines the imagery of the Sacred Heart with a hint of the Divine Mercy Rays. This image unites the Orthodox tradition of devotion to the Divine Heart of God with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was given with the mandate to pray for unity between the two churches. In this Image, Our Lord is wearing a royal blue espousal tunic with a white wrap draped around His Body. Many of the messages given with this image are apocalyptic and looking at the image of the Divine Heart, it appears that He is coming, almost stepping out of the picture. Its origin is an explanation for another time.
Here Our Mother of Mercy began speaking to Mother Clare,
"I am your Mother of Mercy. As my Son has wished to make my Immaculate Heart known, in union with His Most Sacred Heart now in these last days are the mysteries of me, your Holy Mother, about to be revealed. For God has kept His sublime secrets hidden and veiled from mankind.
"His Eternal Wisdom is kept safe beneath the covering of humility and simplicity. The greatness of His goodness is always clothed in the little, the poor, and those things of no account which the foolishness of man overlooks.
"Such have I been, your Mother. And yet to such great heights has the Benevolent Godhead raised me. It is through this vessel that the Divine Mercy has chosen to come to you. For this reason, and to complete the mystery of this Fountain of Grace, the Heart of Christ Himself, my Son, has requested that I be known as Your Mother of Mercy.
"Under this title, I come to you as your tender Mother and most loving vessel of His Divine Mercy. Let this be known, that whoever approaches the Tribunal of Mercy, through my Merciful Heart, shall obtain:
" All graces and merits needed in this life and at the hour of death,
" They shall not stumble or fall through error of faith, nor be misled into false doctrine or teaching.
"They shall obtain the grace of a happy death, and will not die without the sacraments of the church.
"They shall have my veil for covering, and my mantle for protection during time of trial, persecution, suffering, and temptation.
"They shall not be left unaided but will have the peaceful assurance of my very real presence, and that of my Son Jesus with them all the days of their life.
"They shall obtain remission of all their sins, venial and mortal, and shall be expiated of all satisfaction due to the lesser offenses.
"They shall continue under the effects and benefits of this Divine Mercy even after their death, and be granted speedily the satisfaction due their serious sins, thus entering Paradise more quickly.
"They shall merit manifold graces for unrepentant sinners and be a source of comfort and indulgences for the soul in Purgatory.
"I, your Merciful Mother, bless and thank you. Be immersed always in these rays of Merciful Light streaming forth from the Divine Heart of Jesus, through the Heart of your Mother."
My blessing is upon this chaplet and all that pray it. I will move in their lives in a special way, in a sanctifying way. Those things in their lives which have hindered them I will break."
"Know that their intercession through this chaplet carries with it My promise to increase in their lives sanctifying grace, to bring them to holiness and purity of life and intention. I am extremely pleased with this chaplet. Extremely pleased. Go out and teach this devotion to the whole world, and I will be with you. Expect a miracle."
That was the end of Our Mother of Mercy’s message.
At this point, the Divine Mercy Chaplet concluded and the Mother of Mercy Chaplet (three minutes of intercession and reparation for the world) began. Suddenly in the midst of the room, I saw a great light and a huge heart into which people were walking as if on an escalator. But rather than escalators they were ascending and being drawn by the Divine Mercy rays emanating from the Heart which I recognized as the Heart of Jesus.
At the same time, a felt a profound sweetness wash over my soul and I saw Blessed Faustina in her black habit standing before me smiling. She was radiant and I experienced so much sweetness from her being. She said, simply, "Thank you."
She came and stood beside me and redirected my focus to the wonderful spectacle of souls reaching salvation, the safe haven of Our Lord's Heart, riding the escalator of Divine Mercy.
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