The extremely dark meaning of the lyrics of Hotel California. it will absoltuely shock you to see!

3 years ago

to say I am riveted and having goosebumps all over is an understatement. You see one of my and I am sure many people’s favorite songs of all time has been the beautifully melodic and melancholic eagles "hotel California". But I read something today that was like lightning hitting me. There is more to this song. Watch this video to find the brutally dark connection between Hotel California and elite rituals.

Sean combs / puff diddy has written a book "the adrenochrome witch". I was super curious about this I went and investigated it. I found a super short preview of it in google books:

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About the Hosts:
Hamid (alchemist mystique) is a Life Coach who works with the awakening masses to get them to discover their hidden treasures by guiding them through deep transformational journeys. Hamid knows that every single human being can be massively powerful if only they had access to their own often latent internal guidance system. Hamid has empowered many people to change their life drastically. Through simple conversations Hamid has been able to shed light and create hope in difficult situations. Hamid is an aikido black belt and a trained Daka who has been practicing improv theater for a decade. Over the years in his extensive spiritual studies, Hamid has studied the teachings of Carlos Castaneda, Druvnalo Melchidazek, Juliet and Jiva Carter, Colin Joe Byrne among many others. Hamid holds a BSc in Computer Science from University of Toronto.

Nadia (Nadezhda) is an internet business coach who works with prospective entrepreneurs to bring their products and services to profitability. Nadia,believes that with the right guidance, approach and with using an appropriate system any entrepreneur has the potential for greatness. Over the years, Nadia has been a very successful internet business woman with tens of thousands of followers on Russian internet. Having a very keen eye in human psychology and business practices Nadia has helped create many successful services and products. She is also an avid Improv theater practitioner. An avid reader, In her studies Nadia has been greatly influenced by Carlos Castaneda. Nadia holds an MSc in biology from university of Tomsk.

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