The deeply disturbing Subliminal messages in the extremely popular song by Justin Bieber Analyzed

3 years ago

here is the deal we keep hearing about subliminal messages right? well I have the mother of all subliminal messages for you. The song Skrillex and Diplo - "Where Are Ü Now" with Justin Bieber (Official Video). This song has 1,144,612,035 views on youtube!!!!
A note about Ü. Its actually a key you can type by holding down ALT key and then keying 666. isn't that interesting? a song with 1 billion views is directly connected to 666, its in its name.
and its the most subliminal messages I ve ever seen tried in any piece of media, let alone this popular song with 1 billion + views.
I used adobe premiere to go through this song frame by frame. and I collected these 80 or so frames directly from the youtube video. So what you need to do to get my screenshots yourself is download the video from youtube and each one one of my pictures have the exact timestamp of the frame. This song has 1000s of frames. Each 1/100 of second has a frame and these numbers are on my individual screenshots.
Most of these frames are highly controversial and, disturbing, sexual, cabal messaging, what have you.
Now imagine if this much information can be laid in a 4 minute video, what else can be in the media we consume? Also think about 1 billion views of this song and how powerful each frame can be in terms of messages they send.
Its pretty bizarre the lengths they go to program us.
Please note I extremely rarely, once in a blue moon make my posts public, so this post will become friends only by tomorrow.
But I like to say I didn't do this work to attack JB. To me he is tool stuck in the middle. another rat in the rat race.
I made this to show you the amount of manipulation we are exposed to on a minutely basis in this reality. imagine if a video like this can have so much information, what can they show us in any of the media even news, or commercials we see? Each frame is not a second. When I worked on this in premier there were probably 20000 pictures. 4 minutes video with each second being able to have like 100 pictures.
Also the fact is that this video has more than 1 billion hits on youtube with very questionable confusing and at times diabolical messages while a documentary like plandemiq is banned from all social media.
Let that sink in a sort of weird satanic type of message like this has 1 billion views, and a documentary like plandemiq has is banned with an extremely important crucial message for the future of humanity.
Also this is about JB being a pawn of cabal handlers like scooter braun who really run the show. And is emblematic of how music is manipulated and laced with satanic and poisonous confusing messages, lets not forget someone like billie eilish who swept the grammies and is openly luciferian. At least in this video everything is subliminal but billie doesn't bother with all that her symbolic are very blatant.
This also shows that how big music is in bed with big media and big tech. otherwise how can a weird music video with very strange messaging and disgusting subliminal messages be on youtube and have 1 billion views and counting?
So this is really why I did this work, this wasnt an attack on JB. he is a pawn, a tool doing what he is told. This is about the system that makes something like this possible, and the people behind this.
its also my hope that readers of this post start cultivating critical thinking and if they have a sense some video has a subliminal message, do what I did download the vido and go frame by frame. And hey if you find relevant information share it. thanks ❤
also please remember this is a video children, and teens watch. what percentage of the billion people viewership is children?

youtube video with 1.1 billion+ views:

My screeenshots:
also in the same folder you can find a zip file with all the screenshots in 1 compressed file

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