Debunking Critical Race Theory

3 years ago

On May 11, 2021 a rally was held at the Los Alamitos School Board to protest the District’s plans to adopt Critical Race Theory into the school curriculum. They say it is coming to a school district near you and operates under the cover of Ethnic Studies.

Their fight began with an assignment given to a white student to answer the simple question: “Why am I a racist?” That sparked the parents to get involved with the curriculum and to begin questioning why this type of lesson was being assigned. They discovered there is a big push from special interest groups to use the Ethnic Studies curriculum as a vessel to promote a certain kind of ideology. One of these ideologies comes from the LGBTQ movement whose agenda is to push their ideology into every subject to include history, mathematics, science and English.

What is Critical Race Theory (CRT)? It is defined as segregating students into groups based on race and skin color and advocates assigning levels of "privilege" and "oppression" to individuals/students. It creates animosity from the perceived oppressors, and a false sense of entitlement from the oppressed.

The organizers of the rally say: The Los Alamitos School Superintendent and School Board are not aligned with the vast majority of their constituents. In a recent News Enterprise article, Superintendent Andrew Pulver was quoted as saying “…we have to make decisions that are in the best interest of the system.”

That evening the Board held its meeting and voted 5-0 to implement the social justice standards.

Superintendent wrote the following essay in response to the rally and vote:

For more information:

To contact the Los Alamitos Board:

Dr. Pulver

Ondrea Reed
Curriculum Supervisor

Board Of Education

Marlys Davidson
Board President

Diana Hill
Board Vice President

Megan Cutuli

Scott Fayette

Chris Forehan

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