Exodus LAND Prophesy Old Oligarchy State Died God Restores America

3 years ago

Disclaimer. There are things Bo Polny says we can agree on. But not all of it. He gets the numbers right but maybe not the interpretation.
What we agree on we have testified to for years already. Silver is #1. Arc of safety is a Place where you live mentally in your heart and mind. Only being without sin are you safe. On your own land you inherited from God. Loving your wife and children. Obedience to the Word of God. History has proven armies win wars when the people fighting are not in sin; lust, perversion, desire something other than God's will. Just Doing the Right thing. Farming.
Old System Died in March 20, 2020. Lockdown.
God's Restored Life, Laws, Principles, Ways. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution all based on there foundation is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God's New World Started April 26th, 2021 Passover

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