Digital Vaccine Passports Protest

3 years ago

On May 11, 2021 over 500 concerned citizens attended a rally in front of the Orange County Board of Supervisors building to show opposition to their plan to implement the Othena-branded “digital vaccination passport.” This passport infrastructure is being promoted by the OC Health Agency as a digital vaccination verification tool which would be leveraged by businesses in a way that would allow or restrict patrons from receiving goods and services based on whether or not they have been vaccinated.

After the protest the Board voted 4-1 to halt the program with Supervisor Katrina Foley being the only supervisor supporting the idea.

Costa Mesa Brief attended the rally and interviewed 20 attendees. This video is their story.

Note: There were many people waving signs comparing mandatory vaccines and passports to the Holocaust where Jews were forced to wear yellow stars of David. Costa Mesa Brief does not condone this comparison and feels the crimes committed by the Nazis and the murder of approximately 6 million Jews a ridiculous comparison and only minimizes the horror of that event.

To contact the Board of Supervisors:

Andrew Do 714-834-3110
Doug Chaffee 714-834-3440
Katrina Foley 714-834-3220
Donald Wagner 714-834-3330
Lisa Bartlett 714-834-3550

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