These Chicken Jokes Are Sure to Leave You Squaking!

3 years ago

Chickens are hilarious. Anyone who lives with a flock of chickens can tell you they're, by nature, constantly doing weird things to make you laugh! Chickens have been good fodder for comedians forever, and these chicken jokes are a great way to get any party started.

Get ready to laugh when you read a few of these jokes, which put those rubber chickens to shame! We don't have any knock-knock jokes here, but we couldn't forget one of the most classic and funniest: "Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!"

Enjoy these funny chicken jokes from our staff. One of these will certainly "crack" you up.

Did you hear about the chicken that only laid eggs in the winter? She was no spring chicken.

What day do chickens hate most? Fry-day!

What do you get if a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn? An eggroll.

Why did the chicken cross the road twice?He was a double-crosser!

Why does the chicken go to Burger King? To see a chicken strip!

Why does a chicken coop have two doors? Because if it had four doors, it would be a chicken sedan!

Why did McDonald’s run out of chicken McNuggets? The farmer counted his chickens before they hatched

What do you call a rooster who wakes you up at the same time every morning? An alarm cluck!

What do you call a group of chickens clucking in unison? A Hensemble.

What do you call someone who steals a chicken? A Chicken Pot Pirate.

What does a chicken need to lay an egg every day? Hen-durance.

Why is it easy for chicks to talk? Because talk is cheep!

What did the sick chicken say? "I have the people-pox!"

Why did the chicken stand in the middle of the road?He wanted to play squash!

What's a chicken's favorite instrument? Anything with drumsticks!

What do chicken families do on the weekends? They take peck-nics!

What do chickens order for dessert? Coop-cakes of course!

Sometimes, the ladies do remind us they evolved from the T-Rex and deserve some respect! So not a ton of fowl play in this list (ha!). We also decided that baby chicken jokes were off limits too and kept chicken leg, as well as KFC jokes, to a minimum!

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