How To Synthesize/Read Frequency Signatures - #WorldPeaceProjects

3 years ago

How To Synthesize/Read Frequency Signatures - #WorldPeaceProjects

Reading Frequency Signatures. 6 Week Course

This is a frequency Universe. Everything is frequency, at its foundational base. When you can read and synthesize these frequency signatures within everything and everyone, you can understand the agendas, intentions, actions, choices and type of consciousness that you are dealing with.

Reading frequency signatures is a foundational base for all energy modalities. In this course, you will learn to recognize and discern the difference between organic and synthetic frequencies.

You will learn to look beyond the presentation through the physical sight and decipher the frequencies that are presented.

6 week course

Modalities used in this course include ESP, metaphysical theory, feeling body, lecture, astral projection.

Individuals taking this course can benefit by learning honest psychic access, seeing through deception, psychic protection, know thyself.

Sign Up:​

Early Bird Until 9/4: $240
Regular Price: $290
Drop In: $55

*A Prerequisite for Intuitive Soul Advancement Certification*


To make a donation:

Intuitive Soul Advancement


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