The Best Cappuccino | How to Make the Best Cappuccino

3 years ago

The Best Cappuccino | How to Make the Best Cappuccino

Take a look at this easy and practical Cappuccino for a good breakfast or drink with a snack !!


3 tbsp instant coffee

3 tbsp chocolate powder

1 1/2 cup powdered milk

1/2 cup powdered sweetener

1 tsp cinnamon powder

1 tsp baking soda (optional - generates creaminess)


1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl
2. Transfer to where the mixture will be stored.
3. Add spoons of the mix to the concentration you prefer (I like to serve myself with just 2 tablespoons of soup + 300 ml of water)

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The Best Cappuccino
The Best Cappuccino
The Best Cappuccino
The Best Cappuccino

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