Why Your New Build Project Needs A SAP Calculation

3 years ago

If you’re managing a self-build project of a new dwelling, one aspect you can’t afford to overlook is a SAP calculation. These are legally required for any newly-built dwelling in England and Wales. Scotland has similar but slightly different arrangements.

You may also need one if you’re converting an existing building to a dwelling, like a former shop into flats, for example. Some extensions to existing homes may also need SAP calculations too. The SAP calculation is used for three things. Firstly, it helps you demonstrate you have complied with Part L of the Building Regulations – and it’s been a requirement to carry one out since 1995. Secondly, SAP calculations give you a SAP rating, which outlines the amount it costs to run the building in terms of the energy it uses. Thirdly and finally, the building’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is produced from the SAP calculation.

An EPC certificate is required for properties when they’re put up for sale, and there’s a fine of up to £5,000 for not complying, making your SAP calculation a must-have. It’s therefore critical to hire an experienced expert to carry out your property’s assessment.

Click here: https://www.briaryenergy.co.uk/sap-calculations

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