Cute Puppies! 21

3 years ago

++++++Forget Popular Puppy Names: Three Steps To Choosing The Best Cute Puppy Names++++++
Popular puppy names can be silly. They can be serious. They can be long, short, cute, or dignified. How do you know which of the thousands of names you could possibly choose is right for your pup? Choosing the best of the cute puppy names is easy when following these three steps.

1. First, you need to let your puppy "tell you" what name is right for her.
No, she's not going to open her cute little mouth and say her new name. (If she does, call the media and your accountant because you're about to be famous and rich!) But your puppy can let you know what name will fit her.

How? By just being herself.

Great puppy names start with behavior. You let your pup's personality choose his name.

For example, my last dog, Muggins, a Springer Spaniel, really liked to sneak up on things and pounce on them. She "mugged" her brothers and sisters repeatedly in the pen before we brought her home.

Once we were home, she kept "mugging" us. My husband at the time wanted to name her Mugger because of all this mugging. And we thought about Mugs because she just had the cutest little mug (face). But I remembered the word, "muggins" from Cribbage, and when I looked it up and saw it meant dupe or fool, I knew it fit her because she was so easily fooled when she was a pup.

The way to play the personality name game is to watch your new critter for a couple of days. Just observe.

2. After you've observed your pup for a while, write down every word that comes to your mind as you watch him. Sometimes adjectives like sleepy or lazy or perky will come to mind. Sometimes you'll see character traits that are nouns like spirit or patience or courage. Sometimes you'll think of a person who your puppy reminds you of or the character in a book.

Whatever you think of, scribble it down. Trust me when I say that if you do this, you'll have a list within a couple of days that has at least two or three dozen names on it. More than likely, one of these names is the perfect name for your new pup.

3. While you're making your list, also get input from others. Your new fur-kid is probably going to have lots of visitors. Let your friends and family suggest a name. They might see qualities in your new dog that you don't see. Those qualities will suggest to them a name that just might be perfect.

If you follow these three steps, you can let your puppy's personality and actions lead the way, and you won't need to worry about popular puppy names. The best of the cute puppy names will reveal themselves to you while you're having fun with your new pup.

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