Loving your imperfect body: What is Body Image ?

3 years ago

What Is Body Image?

The term “body image” refers to how we feel about our bodies, how we physically inhabit our bodies, and how we see ourselves – both in our mind’s eye and when we look in a mirror. Body image is different than appearance, and in many cases, our own body image is quite different than how an objective observer would describe us.

A Positive Body Image

People with a positive body image have a realistic sense of their own appearance. They know that their appearance does not define their worth as a person, and they are happy and content in their own skin. Having a positive body image does not mean that a person thinks that their body is perfect or without flaws; rather, it means that they understand that everybody has flaws, and is nonetheless deserving of love and respect.

A Negative Body Image

In contrast, people with a negative body image can’t accept their physical flaws. A negative body image can lead to feelings of shame, or a need to hide. It can keep someone from engaging in social activities and can be a barrier to intimacy in relationships. A negative body image can also lead to people spending excessive time and money “hiding” their flaws with makeup, accessories, or clothing, or seeking out cosmetic procedures but finding little relief from their appearance related anxieties. People with a negative body image can become obsessed with perceived flaws that are not noticeable or only minor to an outside observer.
In extreme cases, a negative body image can lead to body dysmorphia, in which someone sees their body as radically different than it actually is. For example, a body builder with body dysmorphia may see a frail, scrawny wimp in the mirror, even though they are, objectively, built like a tank. A negative body image can lead to poor self-esteem and low-self-confidence, and people with a negative self-image are more likely to suffer from poor mental health, including depression and anxiety. While a negative body image isn’t the only cause of eating disorders, it is a contributor. Even in those who do not have full-fledged eating disorders, a negative body image can lead to disordered eating behaviors, including fasting, restricting food groups, dieting, binging, and excessive exercise, all of which can take a toll on

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