See the latest information from MS about COVID-19.

3 years ago

See the latest information from MS about COVID-19.
CPI da Covid | O que tá rolando?? 🤔 | DOSE DE ATUALIDADES
If you're on the news, you may have heard of Covid's CPI, right?

This CPI, which is currently underway, aims to investigate possible omissions and irregularities on the part of the federal government during the pandemic. The opposition to the current government points to several problems such as the issue of vaccines, the incentive of the federal government to use chloroquine in the treatment of the Coronavirus, in addition to the omission of the federal government in the most intense moments of crisis in Manaus.

This commission should investigate everything that has happened in the past few months to prepare a final report and forward it to the Public Prosecutor's Office, which should make possible criminalizations. To further investigate this whole story, Covid's CPI has already spoken to several important names during the past few days, such as Teich and Pazuello, former ministers of health, and other big names that you may have heard around. Well, a lot is happening and it directly affects our lives. For this reason, we decided to take a super special class, with our dearest Claudio Hansen, explaining everything that has happened and what is about to happen. If you want to stay tuned, watch this class that we are sure you will love!

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