Reliving the 1970s Malaise

3 years ago


[00:30] Pipeline Attack (14 minutes)

Russian hackers have successfully stopped the flow of oil through America’s largest pipeline, the Colonial Pipeline. This vital pipeline supplies fuel to most of America’s East Coast. The hack is the largest attack on American infrastructure in the nation’s history. Meanwhile, the propaganda press is providing cover for Joe Biden to soften the crippling blow of this attack.

[14:00] Workers on the Sidelines (6 minutes)

Last week’s jobs report was devastating for the illegitimate Biden administration. They were predicting over 1 million added jobs. Instead, the report found that there were roughly a quarter of a million. What’s driving the numbers down? In most cases, unemployed workers are getting more money from the government than they would get if they returned to work! Some small businesses are shutting down because of the worker shortage.

[19:40] Why Democrats Fear an Audit (10 minutes)

You would think Democrats would be eager to discredit President Donald Trump and brag about their massive victory in the 2020 election. Instead, Democrats are doing everything in their power to keep people from verifying the votes.

[28:20] Herbert W. Armstrong College Graduation Commencement (27 minutes)

In this segment, I play the address I gave at the 2021 Herbert W. Armstrong College commencement ceremony. I discuss the pandemic of fake news in our world and the need to have our lives grounded in the truth of God.

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