Overt Discrimination and Medical Apartheid On Display At Chico City Council

3 years ago

In this video, freedom fighter Diana D. is forced to stand outside, while masked speakers are allowed into the air conditioned chamber floors. While she and others who refuse the toxic waste harboring, immune compromising, suffocation devices/face diapers are forced to speak outside, masked speakers are being “allowed” in, at only 50% capacity, after a year of being locked out. Refusing access to the public meeting is a clear violation of the Brown Act. Denying EQUAL access is a violation of federal ADA Law.

Despite ample scientific proof and statistical analysis that masks and lockdowns do NOT work, but, in fact, cause MORE damage than the CCP virus ever has and ever could, AND that states and countries that did NOT impose mandates and lockdowns have faired far better than those that have, our local governance continues to take a knee to irrational and arbitrary tyranny, as elected officials opt to receive huge federal grants instead of opening our city and county back up and lifting any further ineffective, draconian restrictions and ending the fraudulent "public health emergency" under which all the abusive executive orders from our criminal governor have transpired. It all amounts to accepting bribes to cause intentional harm and crimes against humanity. Fraud IS A FELONY.

Because the corrupt, communist deep state pays and trains operatives that serve as “Delphi Effect” consensus makers (think pop up “activist” groups that are, in actuality, professional domestic terrorists, like BLM, ANTIFA, Occupy Wallstreet, etc.) on issues that help push leftist narrative and propaganda, as well as fiscal spending policy, “homeless advocate” groups have been gathering in front of Chico city hall every other Tuesday, when the council have their meetings, demanding more funding and representation. Because of their numbers, the council has reduced public comment time from three to only two minutes.. Diana’s speech got cut off too soon because of this so here it is in its entirety:

My name is Diana Dreiss.

I have a 7 generation family history with Chico.

I am the matriarch of 5 living generations as I speak.

I take grave issue with the masking of me and my family members.

I am exempt from wearing any kind of face covering; however, I have been relegated to “the back of the bus” to speak which is further discrimination.

Would you tell someone in a wheel chair you have no right in a public meeting because you are disabled?

Your “rules” are unwarranted, unethical, and illegal.

After a year, I have a Constitutional right to tell you to go fly a kite.

You are a false authority and you are making a mockery out of science.

We do not breathe our own waste just like we don’t consume our own excrement.

Masking, especially children, is criminal.

It is actually creating brain damage in the hippocampus part of the brain which can never be restored - even if you breathe full oxygen again.

The effects are documented and can be fatal; however, you are deploying them anyway.

Where is your medical license, Mr. Coolidge? You are practicing medicine without a license - which is against the law.

Your “rules” do not supersede federal law.

You can not require me to restrict my oxygen as a condition of entry to this meeting. This is attempted murder.

Your requirement of me to undertake the medical intervention of restricting my oxygen is a violation of this state’s laws.

Further, I have the right to refuse any medical treatment, while still maintaining my right to services, privileges, goods, and facilities as protected by Federal Law 28 CFR 36.202.

You are hereby notified that state and federal laws make it a crime to deny the Rights of an individual.

You can be arrested for this crime and be held personally liable, for criminal and civil damages, including fines and jail time.

Social distancing (aka) social isolation is a human rights violation.

It’s on par with torture and other war crimes deployed against enemies of war due to successful psychological destruction.

You are hereby notified that state and federal laws make it a crime to deny the Rights of an individual.

You can be arrested for this crime and be held personally liable, for criminal and civil damages, including fines and jail time.

When this body follows unlawful mandates and coerces others such as employees and businesses to follow them, we loose the way our law-abiding body is supposed to function.

Cease and desist immediately!

This board appears to be breaking the Brown Act,

our Constitution and the very way of life,

broken the law by enforcing unlawful mandates,

forced businesses to close doing irreparable harm and damage,

changed the way local government works,

excludes its constituents from their own meetings,

broken your oath to the Constitution,

and broken the public’s trust.

I advise you to get off KHSL and CNN

and find out what is really happening in this world.

Our children are dying and that’s not ok with me.

I will not comply.

You are not my mommy, Savior or God.

You are not my master, you are my servant.

I have liberty, I have common sense.

I will exercise both.

Call a press conference to address these issues and clearly communicate to ALL citizens they are FREE and EQUAL and allowed to resume all activities without unlawful threat.

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