Can Dogs Have Down Syndrome?

3 years ago

Can dogs have down syndrome?
When it comes to the down syndrome in dogs scientists and doctors are still asking this question themselves dogs and their humans do share many of the same health conditions but not all are completely identical even though there's no definite information it's clear that dogs can and do develop symptoms that are similar to dog down syndrome.

First let's take a look at Down Syndrome animals to get Down Syndrome too every animal on the planet has chromosomes that vary from species to species all animals can develop chromosomal defects including dogs, Down syndrome has officially been seen only in chimpanzees our nearest relative, and in genetically engineered mice dogs with Down syndrome symptoms.

Consider asking a Vet if your dog has symptoms like:

Hearing Problems
Skin Problems.
Poor eyesight.
Thyroid problems.
Congenital heart disease.

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