Quo Warranto

3 years ago


This week Brandy Singleton interview releases 2 snippets leading up to the full episode. New interviews with celebrities and previous guest appearances. 

GO Woke, Go Broke! 

- Pepsi is up 9% while Coke is down 27%. These are the sale #’s. Remember how Coke asked their new employees to be less white. This was part of their onboarding material. 

Let’s Start with Jen Psaki. She is going to step away as the Press Secretary within the year. This happened with Sean Spicer as well. She openly admitted during a podcast guest appearance that Biden is not instructed to answer any questions that are not vetted by reporters or approved staff. Now, you have confirmation on exactly what you thought. 

They do not have to answer these questions: 

1. Why did CDC change statistics on their website again with no major public notice of PSA. The Deaths were changed from 6% - 5% of total deaths. THey increased the number of comoribities to 4. Pay attention to statistics and the fear caused. Remember mirror and remember Project Veritas exposing CNN Director talking about how “Fear” Sells. 

2. In NY there are vaccinated and non-vaccinated areas at sporting events, bars, restaurants etc. I still do not get a flu shot. Remember how quiet celebrities were during the pandemic but now they speak up and scream you should get a vaccine, Where is my body my choice? They are being paid to promote the vaccine. Here are some stats regarding the vaccine. 

From the 4/23/21 - release of VAERS Data. Found 4,236 cases where the patient died and vaccination date. 

Sen Ron Johnson has confirmed 3k deaths from VEARS report with 10k hospitalizations due to experimental covid Vax. So they are pushing a completely unverified shot claiming it is the way forward. It is optional, not mandatory. 

3. Add Vaccinatiion information from cell phone and all the photos and articles. 

4. You are not allowed to talk about Vaccinations or elections. You will be called a conspiracy Theorist. The CIA created the term. The phrase is double speak for “Thinker” Don’t follow the prepared narrative for people who cannot think for themselves. You may be a conspiracy theorist.

The people that opposed Communist China were called “Revisionist” / Vitnam/Kong were called “Reactionists” / Cuba “Dissidents” / America 2021 “White Supremists” “Conspiracy Theorists”.  There will be a new name for all the people that do not conform or follow what they consider the status quo. 

5. Let’s use the most clear example - Why haven’t we seen the clean up at the border? Where is the progress to go with the “Progressive party”? Look at San Diego, Dems’ approve a program to provide free legal aid to illegal immigrants to fight deportation in court. This will cost tax payers $5 Mil. Imagine if they invest in Am. Tax payers the way they invest in illegals. Ellis Island - What’s the point of it? It was the HUB, it was the filter. They provided medical evaluations, bkgrnd checks, and more. This was the Point of Entry. 

6. Twitter is quietly suspending any accounts that tweet eh content from “ The Desk of Donal Trump” If an account tweets it or tries to provide the content Twitter will suspend the account. Parler continues to have problems and I have said form the start it will not last long-term. Look at this Buck Sexton Tweet - Not. Single journalist or politician were ever kicked off FB or Twitter trying to negate the 2016 Election with 4 years of absurd, reckless Russian collision lies in case you were wondering about the ethics of our internet overlords. 

7. FEC closes the probe into Trump 2016 campaign violations. A 4-1 decision and Cohen was Brough up on charges and arrested for his illegal activity he tried to blame trump. 

8. Portland -> BLM is walking around. With guns and pulling guns on motorists. THey antagonize until you respond then they cry and whine racism. Is this the “Brown Shirts” Portland has doubled in shootings at 355 doubled from where it was this time last year. 

Governor Whitmer in Michigan -> Flew to FL to see her mom, She took a private plane, much like Kerry, Obama, and others. They tell you to stay home and no travel. Do as I say not as I do.Who load for the travel? Taxpayers, her personal account, or was this. Trade for legislation? 

9. Here is something else you will not hear Wapo reporter had their phone seized in “Leak Probe” reported by josh Gerstein 5.7.21 8:10 EST.  Actually, 3 reporters had their phone records obtained on July 2017 story about intelligence intercepts. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/07/washington-post-russia-phone-records-485923

10. The Daily Mail reports that china was planning on WW3. This was a plan that materialized 6 years ago. Let’s not forget what is happening behind the scenes. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/may/6/general-chinas-africa-outreach-poses-threat-from-a/

India produces HCQ. Now they are dealing with a 2nd variant? Isn’t china next to India? Why isn’t China facing this? 

Brazil President fires shots at China. He believes China is behind this and it is biological warfare.  If people think America is the only source of information you are wrong. Maybe the news cycle has moved past you or you just forgot about it. It’s amazing how short our memories have gotten. 

AZ supeopnas should be there Monday! 

Israel Information/Updates 

Israel to begin the largest military exercise in its history, labeled the "Chariots of Fire," tomorrow. It will simulate a month of war against Hezbollah and Hamas on all fronts (via @OrHeller)

Israel helped the US military to track down Iran military commander #Soleimani's cellphone for January 2020 assassination.

Pope calls for an end to violence. Israel is on fire right now. 

Missing doctor who treated Putin critic Navalny is found ALIVE. He appeared in a village on Monday, 32 kilometers from the hunting base where he had set off into the Siberian forest on Friday.

Quo Warranto:

AZ Citizens Group Drops a MOAB, Sues State for 2018, 2019 (Tuscon), and 2020 Elections That Were Not in Compliance with Arizona Law

This means that any election since 2018 that was impacted by this law must be undone. New elections are imminent. Link to full document:


The Quo Warranto recently filed in Arizona claims that the state elections from 2018 through 2020 were not in compliance.

If the elections were not in compliance, then it supposes the elected officials were not duly elected.

It asks to remove all officials who were elected in those years and hold a new vote with proper accreditation.

This Quo Warranto is something to watch carefully as it plays out.

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