Funny Moments Pug - Cute Dog Videos #funny moments

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The Pug is a small dog, with big expressive eyes, round head, curled tail and many wrinkles around the body. The breed is extremely friendly and very easily enchants children and other animals, even cats. Very loving and attached to humans, they are fully happy simply because they are part of a family.

Just as the purring of cats is able to calm their guardians, the Pug dog makes a small noise during breathing that makes them even more special. This is because they are brachycephalic dogs, that is, they have a flattened snout. This characteristic also makes them less tolerant to heat, after all, when the pet has a long snout, the air is cooled before it reaches the lungs.

Physical condition
They do not need to spend so much energy and, consequently, they are not sporting, but they can handle the excitement of the children well. This, associated with good adaptation and little space, makes many apartment dwellers look for the Pug dog to have a lovely company.

However, the adult Pug has a tendency to gain weight and, normally, they are very greedy and lazy, and can stay for hours on the lap of their tutors. Therefore, the practice of light physical exercises is indicated, always with supervision and strict control of the diet.

Life expectancy of the pug
Average height of the pug
Average weight of the pug
Pug cuteness level

The Pug dog is among the oldest breeds in the world and its origin dates back to approximately 700 B.C. There are even porcelain effigies that suggest the retraction of the pet at this time. In addition to Tibetan monks, only the Chinese nobility were allowed to own Pugs.

Many theories suggest that he is a descendant of the Pekingese with short hair, the result of the cross between small Bulldogs or the miniature of the Dogue de Bordeaux. In China, these breeds were crossed frequently, hence the mixture.

There are reports that the first types of Pug were taken by the Dutch, who named him Mopshond, a name still used by them today. Not by chance, the race conquered the European aristocracy and the references of sophistication and elegance. They served as inspiration for artists and were depicted in paintings and postcards.

Their popularity in different territories made them recognized by different names. In France, it was called Carlin; in Spain, Dogullo; in Germany, Mops; and in Italy, Caganlino. The Pug was recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 1885.

The descendants of the Pugs
In the early 19th century, Pugs were standardized as a breed with two lines in England. One was called Morrison and supposedly arose from the royal dogs of Queen Charlotte, wife of George III. The other line was developed by Lord and Lady Willoughby d'Eresby, and originated from dogs imported from Russia or Hungary.

The Pugs arrived in the United States after the Civil War, in 1865 approximately. At first, they became very popular, but at the turn of the century, interest in and search for the breed declined. Some Pug breeders persisted, and after a few years, the breed regained its fame and esteem. And today, the breed is among the most sought after by tutors in Brazil and in the world.

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