Zoom Meeting 5.09.2021

3 years ago

Discussion regarding School Board actions regarding COVID and mask mandates

FILES: www.lawofboris.com/files/5102021.zip

Declaration of Independence (purpose and intent of government is protection and defense of unalienable rights and the exercise thereof); Florida Statute 817.034 (scheme to defraud); Florida Statute 876 (subversive activities); Florida Constitution Article I, Section 1 (all political power with the people); Florida Constitution Article 1, Section 2 and US Constitution Amendment 1 (no state sponsored religion; no infringement upon exercise of religion)

(Florida Statute 817.034(c)(3))

UNALIENABLE RIGHTS are the PRIVATE PROPERTY of the People; the exercise thereof is conducive to the general welfare of the public because it is that exercise that generates "fortune"

COMMUNICATION with intent to OBTAIN PROPERTY; to take PRIVATE PROPERTY for PUBLIC PURPOSE = JUST COMPENSATION must be given (US Constitution, 5th and 14th Amendments) = PROOF OF CLAIM (Evidence admissible in a court of law) otherwise violation of US Constitution 4th and 14th Amendments; Florida Constitution, Article I, Section 9 = scheme to defraud with "advocacy of specified doctrines relating to overthrow of constitutional government by force or violence" (Florida Statute 876 CRIMINAL ANARCHY, TREASON, AND OTHER CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC ORDER)

No proof of claim = wrong to enforce = mass medical experimentation without consent; by intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion

force and wrong are the greatest enemies of peace = anti-Christ

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