The Orphans meet the Warriors- Music video for the Orphans- Behringer Pro-1 and DrumBrute used

3 years ago

This is a Music video with a bunch of clips from the movie ' The Warriors' which is one of the coolest craziest movies I've ever seen. After seeing it when I was ten I tried to start a gang with 4 other people for about a week.
It showcases the pulse beaat of a pro-1 and a bit of my older metal/punk styled guitar playing of my youth. Anyway, This music piece was inspired by my new found knowledge of the orphan trains that existed in the late 19th century in the U.S. Apparently, there were trains that would pick up children from orphanages and just drop them off at train stations throughout the Midwest and people could just say they'd take them in and they'd basically be unpaid labor and indentured to their foster parents for their whole youth. In a sense, they could have been easily kidnapped children sent to rebuild or build up the midwest against their will and their parents. So to me, gang people and street people seem like the offspring of the original orphans and I kinda went with that as a theory for the images to this music.

Also, there is a historical reset theory involving this as well. This theory states that there was a major war or catastrophe that happened in the early 1800's and we're being lied to about historical events of the past and in reality there might have been children (like incubator kids) that were somehow stored either underground in safe bunker things so they could emerge after the said catastrophe to rebuild the old destroyed civilization. So, when we read of all of these wars and such of 1812 in the U.S., Waterloo, Napleon taking over Russia, the Simon Bolivar wars of Spanish colonial independence and Japanese civil war, all happening around the same time and with huge earthquakes happening in all of these areas at the same time as well, it might be a cover for something else. A global type of war or cataclysm that was known ahead of time and prepared for in advance. This would be why there aren't any massive pictures of the dead for the U.S. Civil War to be found anywhere, or giant groups of armies, or wars taking place, but there are several pictures of strange destroyed cities with no people anywhere to be found, giant older massively constructed buildings everywhere that should have looked new but in fact look very old, and trees perfectly intact everywhere next to all of this destroyed stuff. This is and was a very interesting theory and led me to this song. I hope you find the music to your liking, the video, or the stuff I just wrote about. This song can be found on my new album 'a flower blooms'
you can find my new album here:

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