Ramzpaul Interview (5-23-18)

3 years ago

Ramzpaul's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ramzpaul
Ramzpaul's website: http://www.ramzpaul.com
Ramzpaul on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramzpaul

Co-host: https://twitter.com/BigCat_Kayla, https://www.youtube.com/c/BigCatKaylaLivestreams

Friend: https://www.halseynews.com/

According to Wikipedia:

Paul Ray Ramsey (also known as ramzpaul and RamZPaul) is an American political vlogger, YouTube personality and public speaker.

The New York Times has described Ramsey as a “popular alt-right internet personality”[7] and Media Matters for America and The Forward called him a “White Nationalist”.[8][9] According to the Swiss Basellandschaftliche Zeitung Paul Ramsey belongs to the 9 most important representatives of the Alt-Right.[10] He has been a speaker at the American Renaissance Conference.

According to economic journalist Philipp Löpfe, Ramsey uses comedy to convey a far-right message.

In 2016 Ramsey was a featured speaker at a November 2016 National Policy Institute conference, an organization founded by alt-right spokesman Richard B. Spencer.[12] However, following the National Policy Institute’s 2016 conference, Ramsey, “a blogger who flirts with white nationalism,” disassociated himself from Spencer because of Spencer’s Nazi associations, saying, “You don’t want to tie your brand to something that’s ultimate evil.”

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