Exercises for our eyes and Three groups of exercises for oculomotor muscle

3 years ago

Strengthening exercises for oculomotor muscles
Various exercises for the eyes form the basis of any collection and almost every newspaper or magazine article dedicated to improving vision. As a result, a stereotype has developed in the mass consciousness, according to which any unconventional vision restoration system is based on banal gymnastics for the eyes. And the more time a person spends such gymnastics, the better his eyes will function. This is one of the most dangerous false vision stereotypes. Really mindless eye movements in different the sides are of little help. Exercise for the eyes is only 5% of success in natural vision recovery program! You can really strengthen and develop the oculomotor muscles only if there is an understanding of how these or those affect the eyes exercises, how and in what sequence to perform them.
Eye exercises needed for gradual and consistent training of the oculomotor muscles, but without overloading and stress. In addition a person must clearly understand which exercises are more suitable for him and gives the best effect. Of course, exercises can be selected based on the diagnosis also. However, I advise you to focus primarily on individual reactions and listen to your body. Until you have the opportunity to choose, I advise you to strictly observe the principles set out further, at least at the first stage of independent classes while the eyes adapt to new programs.
Three groups of exercises for oculomotor
So, first, let's figure out what kind of movements are capable of performing our eyes. First, we can look up and down, left and right and along diagonals. For starters it is better to start 3-4 repetitions for each set of exercises. All these movements are external, or extraocular, eyes muscles. Secondly, our eyes can rotate and make circular movements in different sides and in different planes. And thirdly, the gaze can move from a close to a distant object, almost at any distance. This is due to the ability of eyes to accommodation. Both the ciliary and external ocular muscles are responsible for this process, which proved by Dr. Bates. If the ciliary muscle located inside the eye and is responsible for the curvature of the lens, practically no trainable, the external ocular (or extraocular) muscles it is quite possible to develop and strengthen. And there is great hope in this and perspective for all visually impaired people who are told by doctors that with myopia and hyperopia, nothing can be done. They say It is impossible, nothing to make a farsighted person if his ciliary muscle has become flabby, and the lens is hard and inelastic. Dr. Bates himself at one time faced a similar verdict of his colleagues and was able to prove them wrong by his own example, getting rid of age-related hyperopia. And It was proven already by the example of many people who did not want to put on glasses and took time to care of their eyes.
Based on the three main ways to move the muscles surrounding our eyeball, all exercises to strengthen the oculomotor muscles can be divided into three groups. This division is, of course, very conditionally, since most exercises may not involve one, but two or three groups of oculomotor muscles at once.
Moving the relaxed eyes to the right and blink - to the left and blink to the center and blink, down and blink – up and blink to the center and blink and by diagonals and blink. When we blinking we removing stress from our eyes. Try to look, without raising or lowering your head, at the floor and at ceiling. Then, without turning your head, look at the right and left wall and blink as often as you can. After that, direct your gaze to the upper right corner and blink, and then to the lower left corner and blink and to the center and blink. Make the same diagonal movements with the opposite directions: look in the upper left corner and blink, then in the right lower and blink and than to the center and blink.
It's amazing that seemingly simple exercises like this have an effect not only to strengthen the eye muscles, but also to improve memory. British scientists not so long ago found out that elementary eye movements from left to right and right to left help with memorizing words, numbers, dates and much more. According to the researchers, this is due to the fact that horizontal eye movements make you more active to interact with each other the right and left hemispheres of the brain, which increases the amount of short-term memory. Here is a medicine for memory can be used instead of expensive pills and all kinds of sophisticated recommendations.
Clockwise and counterclockwise eye movements, rotation imaginary wheel back and forth, turning the virtual globe to the right and left around your head. All circular movements are done smoothly with relaxed eyes and blinks after each circle, without jerking, with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions. When a feeling of discomfort appears in the form of cramps, dizziness, nausea, stop exercising immediately and rest.
I must say that exercises to strengthen the second muscle group - the most varied in execution options and the most effective. They are the ones that enhance blood circulation inside better than other exercises. Our eyes and head, activate the right hemisphere and remove stagnation in the capillaries. As you know, it is the violation cerebral circulation is the cause of dementia and many others diseases. So for those who doing exercises with their own eyes, sclerosis is not scary.
The third muscle group works to stimulate accommodation processes, that is, the ability of the eyes to see objects at different distances. Exercises to strengthen the third group the oculomotor muscles require some effort. Close your eyes tightly, as if pressing the eyeball with your eyelids and pushing it in with the muscles of the eye. Then open wide and bulge your eyes as if you want them to pop out. This exercise must be done at intervals: close your eyes, open, then blink and rest for 30 seconds. Very important here is the posture in which you do an exercise. When you close your eyes, tilt the body back when open your eyes, move your body forward. Then go back to starting position and rest. Sway, doing exercises for the first two muscle groups, it is also possible, and it is absolutely necessary to help yourself with the body in exercises of the third group. Make sure that when you close and open your eyes, the whole body moved, not just the head and neck. All of these exercises are only a base, on which should build a balanced complex of gymnastics for eye. In this case, it is necessary to alternate the exercises of all three groups and be sure to restrain yourself in the number of repetitions: each exercise performed 3-4, and maximum 5-6 times.
Thanks for watching this video to the very end and I hope it will help you. Subscribe to my channel for more great benefits for your vision.

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