Blind Girl, 53 Yrs Old, Hitting Balls!!!

3 years ago

I am not a victim. Never have been, never will be. We ALL have 'stuff' to deal with. You have absolute power with respect to how you CHOOSE to respond to any given situation. Period. I am legally blind (and then some) due too a progressive disease of the retinas, called Stargarts. I reached legal blindness in 2005 and just hope this can inspire others. You can always reach for a better feeling thought. And your thoughts matter! :)))))

Love to all and if you read this and watched the video - THANK YOU. Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND SHARE this with anyone who could use some inspiration, or is just in need of the smallest glimmer of hope!

Lastly, I am a clothing designer (I told you, I'm UNSTOPPABLE :) Over 500 original designs. My brand is Wisdom With Words:

Entire Online Store:

THANK YOU and warmest regards,

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