White Dog Motherly Cares For A Baby Goats

3 years ago

Care of newborn kids

>> Clean the nostrils and remove the placental membranes sticking on the kid, by gently rubbing with dry cotton or rags. Holding the kids up by hind legs with head downward for few seconds, will aid in clearing the respiratory tract. The kid will get up and start walking within half an hour. Allow the doe to lick the kids dry. Immerse the end portion of umbilical cord in tincture iodine. Repeat this after 12 hours. The kid should get its first drink of colostrum within 30 minutes of birth. If the kids do not suck properly, the teats should be held by the hand and pressed into their mouth. Once they have drawn a little of the milk, it will not be long before they take to the normal method of sucking.

Take care of newborn kids by providing guard rails.
Treat / disinfect the naval cord with tincture of iodine as soon as it is cut with a sharp knife.
Protect the kids from extreme weather conditions, particularly during the first two months.
Dehorn the kids during first two weeks of age.
Male kids should be castrated for better quality meat production.
Vaccinate the kids as per the recommended schedule.
Wean the kids at the age of 8 weeks.
Proper selection of kids on the basis of initial body weight and weaning weight should be initiated by maintaining appropriate records for replacing the culled adult stock as breeders.
Additional feed requirements of lactating does must be ensured for proper nursing of all the piglets born.

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