Amazing UFO hunting in Pakistan

3 years ago

This video was sent to me on March 21 by a hardworking Pakistani worker from RawelPendi. I confess this is the most beautiful UFO I have seen in 2021 to date.

I contacted my secret source in Islamabad, Pakistan. He told me that in 2020, the Pakistan Air Force entered the skies to fight an attacking UFO.All aircraft radar systems and missiles were damaged, but reactivated after UFO disappeared. The pilot suffered a severe shock.I contacted the second secret source in Islamabad. He said that thousands of people had seen this UFO in RawelPendi.On March 20, 2021, I obtained valuable confidential information proving that red UFOs were highly active in Central Asia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

My secret source from Kandahar, Afghanistan, had confirmed the hunting of this red UFO. Due to the sensitivity of the issue, I contacted my secret source in the Secret Committee 300.In continental Europe, they told me about a new species and origin of extraterrestrials and UFOs on planet Earth.The military radars of Japan and South Korea, as well as the island of Guam, recorded the presence of this UFO, and I had a short video call with the pilot of his passenger plane, who also saw this UFO in the skies of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.we are not alone.

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