The Frequency Fence Is Dropping! Create Your Truth! - #WorldPeaceProjects

3 years ago

The Frequency Fence Is Dropping! Create Your Truth! 13 Days of the Dark Night of the Soul.- #WorldPeaceProjects

Hi guys, Thank fully someone just corrected me. MMS is the heavy metal detoxifier. NOT MSM. MSM is a different and safe supplement. Thank you for the clarification!

*I will hold space for the wonderful meditation that is happening April4, 2020. We can go LIVE and set space a bit early and I will offer a healing as we connect with the collective for the betterment of our planet and Global Family.*

Unfortunately, YouTube cut out a portion of this video when I was speaking about the Micro Agendas of our world that we are focusing on. I was saying that we are aware of the worldly/micro agendas. Though, there is also the Solar System/Galactic and Universal Macro Agendas of the Great Awakening and us accessing our DNA activations and Quantum. They are efforting to stop this from happening.

We will be doing this meditation at 10:45 pm EDT on April 4th in New York. This equals 9:45 pm CDT in Chicago, 8:45 pm MDT in Denver and 7:45 pm PDT in Los Angeles. Europe and Asia will already have April 5th at the moment of the activation, which will be 3:45 am BST in London, 4:45 am CEST in Paris, 4:45 am EET in Cairo, 10:45 am CST in Taipei and Beijing, 11:45 am JST in Tokyo and 12:45 pm AEST in Sydney.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:​


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to shift the planet into the most optimal timeline and as a tool to completely remove the c virus.

3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

4. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining c virus on Earth, disinfecting all infected areas on the planet, healing all patients, removing all fear associated with this epidemic and restoring stability.

5. Visualize the course of events on planet Earth shifting into the most positive timeline possible, shifting away from all epidemics, away from all wars, away from all global domination. Visualize white, pink, blue and golden Light healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.

Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.

Updates about the Ascension Timeline Meditation:


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Intuitive Soul Advancement


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