Ending the Hyde Amendment is RACIAL INJUSTICE

3 years ago

Make no mistake: abortion is a crisis.

Check out what Toni McFadden, Students for Life's Minority Outreach and Healthy Relationships Director, has to say about the Hyde Amendment and why it must be protected if we want to save black communities.

"The number of Black Americans is rapidly declining. And this is not primarily because of heart disease or cancer, but because the leading cause of death in our community is abortion."


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Students for Life of America (SFLA) is one of the nation's most active pro-life organizations and the largest youth pro-life organization. We are the only national pro-life organization dedicated to training and equipping college, high school, medical, and law school students. Our approach is uniquely effective, and the methods we have developed are a combination of time-tested techniques and cutting-edge technology.

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