#100 Attributes of God - Introduction - Part 1 - 86 Seconds Video Devotional - Gary Wilkerson

3 years ago

Today someone asked me a very important question. He said, do you think that the church needs to go back to its classical Christian, historic doctrines, faith, the issues of the heart, the biblical issues? And I said, you know what? I don't know that we can go back to it in this generation, because I don't know if this generation has ever been introduced to it in the first place.

Do we really know the mind of God? Do we really know the character, nature, attributes, and the very heart of God? To go back to something means we would have to have known it in the first place. Over the next few months I want to take some time with you and dig into the very depths of the heart of God. 1 Corinthians, Chapter two says, "we can know the things of God, yea, even the deep things of God."

Isn't that profound that you don't have to live with a superficial knowledge of the Holy one. That you don't have to just kind of get little trinkets, little tidbits from the outskirts of His grace and His mercy. You can know Him in depth and in power. I want you to join me as we look at 21 different attributes over the next few months, and that's going to give us a deep knowledge of God.

And if we'll use that knowledge of God to build our faith we'll be like Daniel. "but the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits." I pray these 86 second messages will make you strong in the Lord, powerful, Holy, full of love and grace and truth so that you could be a young man, young woman, old man, old woman raised up in this hour to be a vessel for God's purposes.

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