We’re Hopeful | 5/7/21

3 years ago

It turns out that most men would rather die than give up meat. The White House doesn’t want Biden answering questions on his own. The CIA is using critical race theory to recruit workers. The Pentagon has no plans to shoot down the Chinese rocket. Another family has been removed from a Southwest Airlines flight over a mask. Drew Robinson returns to Triple A baseball after recovering from his suicide attempt. AOC goes on a rant about the current standards about upholding life and praises Planned Parenthood. Apparently, though, Planned Parenthood doesn’t even always provide prenatal care. British Vogue wonders if having children is an “ecologically sound or unsound decision.” Ants from Ecuador have been named with gender-neutral names. A woman equates abortion to deporting an illegal immigrant. A Lubbock city has been made into a sanctuary for unborn babies. A judge says to not bring race into cases when it’s not needed.

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