Georgia remains on my mind

3 years ago

My play of the Hoagy Carmichael's standard as of tonight: a little bonus in french regarding the guidestone and death cult..
Mon interprétation vespérale du standard d'Hoagy Carmichael et un petit bonus concernant la guidestone et le culte... la principale vitrine religieuse de la mafia financière en somme.

#piano #pianobar #Georgia #Hoaguycarmichael #LaurentAubin #deathcult #scientology #BillGates #Churchofscientology #L.R.Hubbard #mafia #financementocculte #ChristianChurch #witness #holocauste #500000000 #1980 #coronaputsch #plandemy #lethalinjection #injectionletale #2019n-cov #genocide #Scientologyfundingmember #seairganization #clearingtheplanet #WOG #Elbertcounty #GuillaumeLesèvre #JohnMiscavage #CIA #MKultra

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