3 years ago

I've been very polite in my previous videos, but at some point the kid gloves have to come off!!
I drop many "F" bombs in this video, so if you have small children, I suggest you watch this when they're NOT around!!

This is where I expose what's inside the documents (The Covid19 Vaccine Information Sheet) that were handed to me less than 2 minutes before the Pfizer "Vaccine" was administered (2 minutes because I was asking questions of the person who handed me these documents, normal people would be less than that)!!
These documents, 4 pages front and back, should've been available in the registration confirmation email hyperlink, 17 days before the appointment. They clearly state that everyone should've already read ALL of the information in these pages, talked to a health care provider, and have any questions answered by their Doctor or the person administering the shot!
These pages contain 18 hyperlinks, that have ALL of the necessary information to make an informed decision, but thanks to either William Osler personally, or the Government of Ontario, this information is being kept from everyone who registers!

And NOWHERE in these pages does it give an actual website to report ANY ADVERSE EVENTS/SIDE EFFECTS!!!

I also expose what is really happening in the form of "adverse events/side effects" being reported in Ontario!!

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