Shocking News Video of a Man Versus a Lion

3 years ago

a mentally unstable man is face to face with two deadly predators at the Taipei Taiwan zoo Jen takes off his jacket waives it like a matador then it happens that lion comes up and
just knocks it out of his hand and easily penetrate through SiC hi they can even take down an elephant incredibly after the first attack Chen makes no attempt to escape and the 300-pound male
strikes again Jen has been bitten and mauled but he's

so out of it he still doesn't try to get away and this king of the jungle wants another piece of him
everyone was nervous about because anything could happen at any time officials decide to tranquilize the big cats but it's not just the Lions that worry them
we were worried that the man would charge at the lion's we communicated with the zoo director both on not and we discussed whether or not we needed to tranquilize the man to pay my my pager
but they don't have the proper dosage for humans instead they'll try to keep the Predators away with a high-pressure hose the Zeus chief vet aims his dart gun then he fires when the lion was shot
he sends ya at the first moment good Kalki jumped up and started to roar hop

jump but two of the other shooters missed their marks fearful Chin's running out of time before a fatal
the attack they resort to the fire hose and it's up to the men with the blowguns to bring the cat's down right here a dart from a blowgun hits the big male he runs out of sight right into his cage but the
female is still a threat suddenly she makes a move that frightens everyone she charges right a champion but the high-pressure firehose scares her off
finally, cops see an opportunity for their big chin to come out it's a tense negotiation but Jen keeps there please and he limps toward the service entrance
and safety the Lions are unharmed and sleep off the tranquilizer but Chen has severe gashes in the serious bite wounds

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