Best No-Profile Workholding Tool for CNC Machining | Invert-a-Bolt™ Fastener

3 years ago

The Invert-A-Bolt™ Fastener offers more strength and security than most CNC workholding vises and clamps. It's the best low/no-profile and reliable workholding tool available to CNC machinists. It makes loading and securing parts fast, efficient, and super stable.

Invert-A-Bolt™ Fastener Features:
- Fast part loading
- Low-profile .385" stud (height varies with model). No profile when not in use.
- Robust holding power
- Suitable for aluminum, steels, and titanium.

See immediate efficiency and speed increases when you switch from your vises and clamps to the Invert-A-Bolt™ Fastener.

Want more info on the Invert-A-Bolt™ Fastener? Visit our website:

Give us a call and we'd love to work with you to get the tooling you NEED for the future. Our office number is: 940-591-1340 or toll free 877-462-BOLT.

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