Peter Kürten- A Case for the Spiritual Realm

3 years ago

Peter Kürten was a horrendous serial killer yet there was no physical explanation for his peculiarities. I submit that in cases like this, there are spiritual powers at play.
On May 26th, 1883 Peter Kurten was born into a world of extreme poverty, violence and sexual depravity. The Kurten family which consisted of 13 Children Peter being the oldest, and the two parents lived in a cramped one bedroom apartment in Köln-Mullheim, The family would live in a perpetual state fear of Peters father who was a violent and sadistic alcoholic, being a moldmaker by trade he would return home from the local pub after spending a majority of his wages and systematically beat his children to a bloody pulp, throughout the years the children would be subjected to horrific violence. Being forced on many occasions to watch as their father brutally raped their mother, If they refused to watch or cover there eyes they were beaten. as the daily routine of violence wore on, their fathers appetite grew more heinous and he turned his sights onto his young daughters. Their father was eventually imprisoned in 1911 for having incestuous relations with his daughters.

It was May 25th, 1913 and Peter was looking for a house to rob, On that Peter Broke into an apartment above an alehouse, Upon searching room by room and finding nothing of value
he eventually came across the sleeping 10 year old Christine Klein, Seeing an opportunity to succumb to his sadistic urges Peter stepped into the room, Locked the door and seized the young girl by the neck,
Christine would struggle against her attacker for sometime before slipping into unconsciousness, after sexually assaulting the child, Peter pulled out a small razor sharp pocket knife, Lifted the child's head and slit
her throat.... five times.

He then simply walked out of the room, Locked the door behind him and went back to his home in Dusseldorf. But Peter had made a dangerous mistake
On his way out of the room he had dropped his blood-soaked handkerchief which had his initials embroidered onto the fabric, When the family awoke to the tragedy and the police
arrived, Suspicion immediately fell onto the land lords brother Otto Klein who after an argument with the landlord said he would do something his brother would "Remember all his life".
In a twisted bit of luck the land lords name was Peter Klein, The police believed at the time Otto took the handkerchief prior to the murder to possibly frame his brother.

On the following day, Kürten went back to Mulheim and in a cafe opposite the Kleins' inn sat and drank a ice cold glass of beer and revealed in the event. Peter later remarked that all around him people were talking about the murder and said "all the horror and indignation did him good." Otto was eventually acquitted on lack of evidence and motive.fritz lang,vampire of dusseldorf,peter kurten,the vampire of dusseldorf,peter kürten,Peter Kürten,The Vampire of Düsseldorf,the Düsseldorf Monster,Peter,Kurten,True crime stories,Cologne,Mulheim,Beyond The Dark,Köln-Mullheim,Peter Kurten,vampire of dusseldorf macabre,serial killers interviews,vampire,the vampire of dusseldorf head,true crime,serial killer,the vampire of düsseldorf,peter kurten the vampire of dusseldorf,crime documentary,peter kürten türkçe

After this terrible event Peter felt alive, The blood-lust had now started to overpower him and The Vampire was born.

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