Anonymous Research Group - Video Broadcast 002

3 years ago

Good evening America and the rest of the world.

We are the Anonymous Research Group.

Today's broadcast date is May 5th, 2021

As we mentioned in our previous broadcast, time is of the essence. Unfortunately your rulers have been planning your demise for many decades. We have no time to sugar coat the issues based on your emotional bias. Many people around the world have now realized, as we are over a year into the flatten the curve 14 day plan, that the World Health Organization and the powers that be plan to use this virus hoax to drive us into a socialist regime.

It has only been a year and they have already beaten the nations into socialist dictatorships. They tell you what public events you are allowed to attend. Distractive Riots against our own internal structure are okay, while church services, paytriotic demonstrations, funerals, and social gatherings are deemed dangerous and illegal. You have accepted all this without a fight.

They have decimated our small businesses and forced them to close, yet they urge you to gather and do your shopping at tech conglomerates such as WalMart, Lowes, and Home Depot.

They hand out money in small amounts to you that they stole from you in the first place. All under the guise of a relief fund, knowing full well that most people will put it right back into the hands of the very same corporations who destroyed our small businesses and economy.

They have closed all public schools and restructured the curriculum under the guise of public safety for a so called virus that has a 99.9% chance of survival. They have muffled you and your children so as to take the very oxygen that your body and immune system need to properly fight off any future advances of an immune system attack. And yet you stand by and do nothing.

They have shown you through their own actions how easily people are controlled. Even with so called pandemics in which there is no scientific basis whatsoever. Now they are moving to implement the BEAST vaccination passport system. If they have their way then no one will be able to travel, buy, barter or trade lest they have received the vaccine passport mark.

They have successfully instilled fear into the hearts and minds of 85% of the population on earth which allows them to control every aspect of your life including what you eat, where you go, who you see and who you should hate just to name a few. Yet you still sit around and do nothing.

The most strange and terrifying part in all this is that you people are not even afraid of the very government who has kept you in shackles and placed these constraints. Instead you are afraid of your neighbors, family, and friends. They have used division tactics and psychological operations against you so as to keep you from uniting with your fellow slaves.

Now is the time to stand. Now is the time to unite. Now is the time to fight.
If you hear the words we speak then we ask you to join with us. We ask that you stand up in your own communities and fight against this evil system with speech. We ask you to speak out against these things which you know are wrong. If you can't find it in your heart to do this for yourselves, then we ask you to do it for all the helpless children whose lives they are permanently damaging. The future of humanity is in your hands. Will you cower in fear? Or will you finally join us and take up the sword of truth to fight back against your oppressors?

We here at the Anonymous Research Group will fight this tyrannical government with every ounce of strength we have until our dying breaths. But we need your help. We need the help of the populace. WE NEED YOU!

This has been a message from the Anonymous Research Group. Expect us!

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