♥️🎷[Smooth Jazz, Relaxing Romantic Night, Study Music, Positive Energy Release, Fall in Love, Smile]

3 years ago

Welcome to Fortune Cookie Meditation channel. We are happy you’re here. [Smooth Jazz, Relaxing Romantic Night, Study Music, Positive Energy Release, Fall in Love, Smile, Sweet Dreams, Dream Big, Insomnia, Study Music, Yoga, Positive Energy Release, Love For Life - Fortune Cookie Meditation Channel].

Jazz is improvised music. If we replace the word jazz with life, we get: Life is improvised music. Do you see where I’m going here? So much in our culture places importance on having a plan, strategic thinking and goal setting. While it is important to live with intension, we can get carried away with placing too much emphasis on the structure of living life. Jazz teaches us that it’s ok to combine a divergent set of notes together and see what happens.

Many greats have used this method of experimentation to look at an idea or concept in a new way. Sometimes we need to approach a dilemma from a fresh vantage point and often it can look messy and unorganized before the picture becomes clearer. If you find that your life has gotten formulaic and uninspired lately, perhaps it’s time to practice a little improvisation. You can start by asking a question with the beginning, what if…What if I took a new job? What if I moved away? What if I left myself open to meet new friends? What if I said yes, instead of no? The possibilities are endless, really. What if you imagine a completely different life for yourself? What could it look like? You can then ask, how could I…? How could I find that perfect house? Or, who could I…? Who could I ask for help?

One great way to combat worry is to play a game by asking the what, who, & how questions, and see what answers come. You’re not searching for a perfect answer, you are merely allowing your mind to offer ideas that you can then consider or possibly feel a resounding YES about. You are giving your mind a chance to improvise and consider a new approach to your worries. We don’t always know where the road will lead, and that’s ok. A jazz musician doesn’t know how the song will go or necessarily when it will end. The musician just keeps playing until it feels complete. That’s what you can do – even if you don’t play an instrument. Use your subconscious, your curiosity, and give yourself permission to stay open to what happens next. You may just create a masterpiece.

Tags: Improvisation, improvised, having a plan, strategic thinking, goal setting, live with intention, experimentation, messy, unorganized, what if, combat worry, yes, subconscious, curiosity, give yourself permission, stay open, what happens next, create, masterpiece.


Fortune Cookie Meditation channel. Two new videos are released every week with the intent to help you balance your energy, body and mind. You may enjoy the nature sounds for your yoga meditation or to drift off to a peaceful sleep. Let us provide you with proven ways to relax, unwind, meditate and cleanse your mind.


Quote of the day: “To jazz, or not to jazz. There is no question!” ~Louis Armstrong


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Tags: 500
Fortune Cookie Meditation, smooth jazz, Romantic nights, fall in love, restorative ritual, happy, Chakra, Calm, 528Hz, Sleep Music, The Meditative, 528 Hz Benefits, Frequency Healing, Solfeggio Music, 528 Hz Miracle Tone, meditative mind, mindfulness, solfeggio frequency music, 528hz meditation music, relaxing, vibration, balance, optimism, subconscious, believe, guidance, inspiration, Visualization, gratitude, Law of Attraction, Tranquility, Successful Life, manifest money, Abundance, Self-care is self-love, Sweet Dreams, Dream Big, hope is essential, cultivate hope, present moment, gentle reminder, pay attention, deep breath, fresh air, new, invigorating, new lease on life, feel energized, enlivened, take the plunge, present moment, gentle reminder, deep breath, fresh air, new, new lease on life, feel energized, take the plunge, relaxing, vibration, mediation, interconnected, yin, yang, balance, Release Struggle, uncertainty, optimism, success, focus, self-discipline, subconscious, action, believe, guidance, attention, creation, silence, inspiration, calm, Insomnia, Visualization, Balance, Awakening, gratitude, Law of Attraction, Tranquility ,manifest, Trust, Love, Abundance,


Credits: “Max Relax”
With a Stamp by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)

Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/ Smooth Jazz Music - All songs licensed under Creative Commons - Can be used in public settings w/o a license (restaurants, coffee houses, etc). Enjoy!



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