Great Is Thy Faithlessness, Gov'nor to Me

3 years ago

This song, based on the well-known hymn "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", is a parody calling out governors for their destructive policies leading to so much needless suffering. Lyrics are below...

Great is Thy faithlessness, O my great Governor
You take such pleasure in all your Decrees
Thou changest oft, But Thy mandates, they stop not
As Thou hast ruled, it now comes into being.

Great is Thy faithlessness. Great is Thy faithlessness
Morning by morning new dictums I see
All I have needed thy hand hath retracted
Great is Thy faithfulness to my safety.

Punish us now when we dare try to gather
Turn all our friends into tattletale snakes
Weakness today and no hope for tomorrow
All in the name of keeping us safe

Trash our economy; Promise us safety
Mandate our breathing and keep us apart
If we obey, you’ll consider us worthy
Restore our freedom, at least in part

Shut down our businesses, make us your paupers
Steal all our happiness, kill all our dreams
Tromp on our freedoms and dance on our gravestones
But, Gov’nor “SAVE US!”, whatever that means!

Great is your arrogance. Great is your foolishness.
Morning by morning fewer storefronts I see
Smash all we’ve built and demoralize our spirits
But make sure hearts will still beat hopelessly

Gov’nor we know, you don’t like us to travel
Make our homes prisons, and say we can’t leave!
Take all our smiles, our hugs, our affections
Robbed from our families, but now giv’n to Thee

Great is thy tyranny, great thy oppression
One word from you and the sheeple obey
You act like gods who can control a virus
Gov’nor as God has now led us astray

Close all our churches, arrest us for singing
Restrict our gatherings, worship and praise
Make it illegal to sing songs like this one
Unless it’s You to whom our voices raise

Great is our poverty, great is our hopelessness
Musicians like me have nowhere to turn
All we have built has been met with destruction
Now we make videos hoping you’ll learn

Great is Thy faithlessness. Great is Thy faithlessness
Morning by morning new dictums I see
All I have needed thy hand hath retracted
Great is Thy faithfulness to tyranny.

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