Financial Freedom is Inevitable

3 years ago

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Here are quick briefs you need to know so as to start earning well in AIMarketing.

This business is a 2 in 1 package.


*AIMarketing - earns you passively 25% to 35% monthly as you buy advertising for AI marketbot to make sales from stores/shops/malls that have been partnered with as affiliated thereby earning cashbacks for you*

You don’t need to worry much this process. The AI bot does all the work for you. You just spend on the advertising and you earn good returns from it monthly. *Spend $100 on advertising, make $135 back in 30days. Spend $1000 on advertising, make $1,350 back in 30 days and so on*

You deterrmine your advertising budget based on what you can afford. The more you spend on advertising, the more you earn from the cashback sales.


*INB Network* - This is the network marketing arm of this business. You earn on here through *referral bonuses and Team sales volume turnover*

You are at liberty to participate in both or just one of these platforms!!!

*NOTE that Both platforms are AUTOMATICALLY linked together. So your email and password in one applies to the second automatically*

Everyone has access to the *$50 Gift certificate*!!

You will see this under *Cashback* in your backoffice!!

Simply use this to build your team deep and wide as fast as possible.

Also with this $50 gift certificate loan, you will

(1.) Make $75 or more within 30days after your AI marketbot starts working. You will be required to return back the $50 loan from the $75 or more you will earn. You will have the balance ($25 or more) to build up on.

*We advice you topup $100 or $150 on it so that u can earn more to meetup with the $100 first withdrawal condition for using the gift certificate loan*

(2.) Ones you top up, you earn more AND also open up your INB network earning platform where you can earn more bonuses as your team members you be built in (1.) above with the gift certificate also do topups on their advertising balance.

The INB network is a 14 level deep bonus structure that is based on *Sales Volume turnovers* - The sales volume is basically a summation of total topups from everyone in your team.

We also advice you build this using a 3 by 3 closed team
building process. This is very easy to structure with the $50 gift certificate avialable for everyone to test the bot work process. As they see that in action and topup to earn more, your sales volume turnover grows and you start earning huge bonuses from INB network.

The bonuses starts from *$100 to $2Million* and more higher percentages on your team’s topups from *5% to 15%*

Hope this gives you a good headstart!!!

Definitely, we will have lots of trainings and seminars to build up ourselves more in this as we grow together.

*Thanks for joining us here*: 🔛🔛

*Financial Freedom is Inevitable* 💃🏿💃🏿

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