WeatherWool ... What if you get soaked in freezing weather?

3 years ago

The danger of getting soaking wet in cold weather is greatly diminished if you wear wool. In this video, the temp is just above freezing. I'm wearing WeatherWool MidWeight Pants, our very first All-Around Jacket, wool socks and wool base layers under the Jacket. Plus leather boots and leather belt. To read more about Wool and Water, please visit our website:​

Legal Eagles have told me I need to put some kind of a warning here else someone sets their lawyer on us ... I guess that's the world we live in ... So ... here's some fine print ... Please don't get the wrong idea ... Wool is not going to turn a winter dunking into summer on the beach. The point of this video is to show that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". If you do something like the immersion shown here in cotton, or a lot of other materials, you'd be in serious trouble. Being prepared for the dunking made all the difference. If you are going to try this yourself, have friends nearby who can help if you need help. For me, this was really easy. But I've been told that some people might have serious issues from the dunking itself ... the frigid water was kind of shocking ... and from research I've seen, 95% of people who die in cold water don't die from hypothermia ... the "cold-shock gasp" induces panic, and death is caused by heart failure or drowning.

And if you do try a winter immersion yourself, please remember that all wool clothing is not created equal. WeatherWool is designed to handle this kind of situation ... we use 0 cotton ... our Fabric is pure wool (unlike most other 'wool' clothing), and (again unlike other woolens), our garments are almost entirely wool. We do not use 'liner' fabrics around the neck and shoulders, for example, which would have resulted in a wet rag around my neck. Even thread matters in a serious situation. Instead of the typical cotton thread (a real weak link!), we use mil-spec nylon thread that does not absorb water. We use small amounts of nylon in other spots, such as the strips that secure our Slot Buttons. Where backing fabric is needed, such as under the pocket flaps, we use mil-spec wool/nylon blend. Use of anything but wool is absolutely minimized.

We shot this clip at a little place we have in the New Jersey swamps of the Rockaway River. We do a lot of testing and photography for WeatherWool at The Swamp:​

WeatherWool All-Purpose Outerwear: All Challenges Accepted

Sound and video production by my daughter Denali (Lauralie Studios,​), who is one of the owners of WeatherWool, our family's company.

If you have any questions or input, please get in touch with me directly. I'm available pretty much 24/7..., 973-761-1776. Thanks a lot!

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