Fifty - Fifty Split

3 years ago

50 people doing what is right, 50 people doing what is wrong. 50 percent making wrong choices, 50 percent making right choices. What is the Common Denominator? Jesus. Jesus is reaching for 50 percent of the people speaking truth into the fake reality that is deceiving them and He reaching for the other 50 trying to get them to see the heart passion He has for the 50 percent making the wrong choices. 50 percent of the people rejecting God, doing what they want, leaves consequences for all. It is never 50-50 when it comes to sin, these consequences are far reaching and touch everyone. There is no doubt about it, we human beings in our human condition, we all need Jesus. It is NOT about what the world thinks is right, it is about what God knows is right. We don’t live for this world’s acclamation; we live for Christ and He is the only bridge we can walk on that makes a way to our eternity. Dig Deeper:

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