These Events will be My last Call to Repentance before the Rapture ❤️ Warning from Jesus Christ

3 years ago

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These Events will be My last Call to Repentance before the Rapture

Rhema from April 9, 2021 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare
(Excerpt Message March 5, 2016)

(Clare) The blessing of Almighty God be with us all, dear Heartdwellers. My mind has been mulling over the details of dreams and messages from the last weeks and I need to get a clarification from You, Lord.

(Jesus) “Yes I’ve been listening to the musings of your heart all day long, all through the night, and not missing a thing, Clare. All the conjectures, etc. How many of them came from Me, do you suppose?”

(Clare) Well, a lot I guess…

(Jesus) “Maybe even all of them? There are so many sad stories, so many tragedies. It’s almost too much even for your God to handle, let alone spread around to His Bride. Sweet, Clare. I don’t want to talk about the details of these events… yet, and I know you want to represent Me in clarity and put to flight things that are NOT of Me and just concocted to scare people. I wish I could say their reports are way over-exaggerated, but I’m afraid I can’t. In fact, they are way worse. But let Me try and prepare you for what is coming.

“You see, these souls on this channel, many of them, are gifted with a completely laid-down life, completely given to Me, no matter what the cost. I wanted them here, because I knew some would pay a very high price to support the gathering of souls into My bosom. You have many here who are very mature and wish only to live or die for Me, according to My will.

“They have lived in this world long enough to know how very worthless it is and they are ready to graduate. But in their hearts, they want to take others with them and these opportunities to die with the masses of sinners and unsaved, is their way of thanking Me for My sacrifice on the Cross.

“Oh, this is not understood very well on Earth, but before they were born there was indeed an agreement that someday they would give their lives for Me. This was their free will offering, Clare. I did not force this upon anyone. But I did inform them and they did consent. You see, My Bride will be united with Me in life and in death. This was not an easy decision to make, but from their perspective in Heaven it was the most wonderful thing they could do for Me.

“No one likes pain or suffering, but even these things seemed insignificant to them at the time. Yet, I will spare them much and as you have surmised, repentance en mass will break out immediately after these events. I had inferred that to you when I told you about one of your daughters. Now that does not negate what I said about the Great Revival, the one that will follow the Rapture. These events will be My last call to repentance before the Rapture.”

“There will be days between the first event and the Rapture. Those who have been standing back and with-standing Me and My Lordship in their obstinate pride, will be given a chance. Some will respond. Others become even more hardened, if you can believe that. My spirit will be poured out profusely on mankind to convict them of their sins. There will no longer be any who don’t know right from wrong, who don’t know their left from their right hand, so to speak.

“I am doing this as a great act of mercy, and those who perish in these events are co-laborers in the field, giving their very lives that their brothers and sisters may follow them into eternity. That is another reason the dead in Christ will be raptured first. They gave their all and they certainly deserve to be the very first to be resurrected.”

(Clare) At that moment I was thinking back on something I’d noticed on someone’s channel, just a remark that someone made about me.


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