Do you still waste Time or do you seek Me... Is your House in Order ? ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

3 years ago

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Do you still waste Time? Do you seek Me? Is your House in Order?

(Jesus) “Listen to Me, dear one, hold up under the pressures of this life only just a little more, don’t grow weary in well doing as you began to do today. I would say to you, you will receive your reward, but I know better, it is not for reward that you do this. You truly are a shepherdess, laying your life down day after day for the sheep. This is what I have always wanted for you.”

“There are many who wish to have this relationship with Me. I exclude no one, let that be made clear. My arms are wide open to all who seek Me…until they find Me. I am not an easy catch. I need to know how much I am wanted, I need to see a relentless bride searching hi and low for Me. Then, I shall surprise her with My presence. Most people give up way too easily, this is the majority of the problem.”

“Most people give in to the lies of the enemy, ‘you’re not worthy.’ Nothing could be further from the truth, unless you want to say, ‘Unless you are willing to seek Me until you find Me you are not worthy.’ Now that would be correct.”

“The other issue of purity is also major. Two facets: one is that the more stimulus you glean from the world, the less sensitive you are to My presence, My still small voice, My gentle breeze and embrace.”

“The other facet is uncleanliness. Feeding on the filth of the world makes a heart very soiled and unfit as a habitation. The house must be clean or at least committed to cleanliness.”

(Clare) Wow Lord. We needed to hear this!

(Jesus) “I know. Oh how I love each and every one that is seeking Me. That is why I am here to explain the direction they need to take. You know the things that offend Me. Sin offends Me very much. Sin in clothing, or lack of it, sin in violence, crime, hatred, gossip, backbiting, jealousy, adulteries. Soap operas are the epitome of sin and extremely noxious to Me. Like your nose in fresh dog excrement noxious. I mean very, very bad. These things not only offend Me but also the Heavenly court, the angels and the saints. Yet in your world they are matter of fact part of every day life.”

“If My Bride wants to find Me, she must lay aside these things and purify her heart and mind from all forms of entertainment that portray sin. This means music, clothing, behavior, speech, murder mysteries, wars, things that portray sin in any form. I don’t have a problem with biographies that show the progress of a soul coming to Me, that don’t make entertainment out of their sin, but simply portray where they were. It is the scintillating entertainments that spoil the perception of the delicate and clean things, dulling the senses and offending Me greatly.”

“Understand, that I too must endure what you are watching and thinking about. I too am in that bedroom watching unspeakable filth, I too am at that murder scene with all its suffering, I too am present at that intrigue that will steal and ruin the lives of hundreds caused by greedy men. These things HURT Me. Please My Brides, do not watch these things in movies or TV they are SO hurtful to Me. Do not listen to music or look at magazines, billboards, pictures that depict suffering and sin.”

(Clare) Lord, I remember how you recoiled at some of the images I was going to use for the nuclear war video.

(Jesus) “Oh Yes, horror of horrors, I created that soul, to see his very body on fire disturbs Me deeply. Remember I was there when that soul set fire to his body, I too felt the suffering, I had to work with his soul, determining his destination. No, No! Do not trouble Me with what you look at, listen to, think about. No. No. Do not put Me through that.”


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