Increase your free will so you can have a great life!

3 years ago

How much free will do we really have?

If we had free will, you could simply decide that you were going to lose those 20 kilos and they begin to melt off,

or you would get that promotion you have been aiming at.

The truth is, that nothing will shift in our favour, until we get our 2 minds talking the same language!

Yes, we actually have 2 minds.

1. Your conscious mind is the goal setter. It might say: I have had enough! I am going to quit smoking or drinking alcohol.

If you measured the conscious mind it is 7%

2. Your subconscious mind, is the goal-getter, and it is 93%.

Most good intentions fizzle out after a few hours or days because your subconscious mind is not on board.

So unless you get this powerhouse on your side, you are like the ant on the elephant's back.

You think you running North, but the elephant is heading South.

This is where I come in, as a ‘Self-sabotage coach’.

I know all the tricks of the trade when it comes to the subconscious.

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