Why You Should Commit First, Then Plan

3 years ago

Grant recommends making your goals ten times bigger than they currently are and being willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want. You must commit first, then figure out the rest later. Don't hesitate to act because you're stuck trying to figure it all out.

This is an excerpt from The Creating Wealth Show, Episode 800.

What You'll Learn in the Full Episode:
- Grant’s new venture Act Like Success is based on committing first and figure the rest out later.
- The 10X Rule is based on a concept that the goals, targets and actions people are making are low based on their potential.
- How to stay excited and make your goals 10X.
- Breaking free of middle-class thinking.
- Find power in who you know not what you know.
- You have to do whatever it takes!

Listen to the FULL Episode Here: https://www.jasonhartman.com/cw-800-grant-cardone-the-10x-rule/

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