UFO sighting in Washington April 28, 2021

3 years ago

Balls of light rising to the sky in the city of Vancouver in Washington State in the United States.

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Comments from the author of the video:

I was doing my night walk at Wyeast Communty Park with my dogs when 8-10 red lights appeared and under the cloud cover in some kind of formation. What caught my attention was that they were all red lights, using my iPhone xmax I recorded what I was seeing, but barely showed the lights, but when adjusting the filter, they appear as a night walk with going out under the clouds in some kind formation to shift stationary position from north to south. They soon disappeared into the cloud layer and were no longer visible.

Credits: MUFON
Website: https://www.mufon.com/
Case number: 114965
Video file: 42721UAP8pm.mov

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