I Cannot Over- Emphasize for the Military Veterans May 2, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

Get started filling out and recording the paperwork to be an American State National or American State Citizen based on Anna’s article #928 at https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/correct-your-status

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I Cannot Over- Emphasize for the Military Veterans May 2, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

If you wish to serve as actual American County Sheriffs, or wish to become members of the lawful State Militias, you must send the head of your branch of service a letter notifying them that you have left Federal Jurisdiction and returned home to your birthright political status.
This is necessary in addition to receiving your DD214.
If you were an Officer in your branch of service, you will need to surrender your Commission held in the U.S. Armed Forces, and retain your Commission in The United States Armed Forces.
This clears up any ambiguity created by the similar names. Be sure that you say, "The" United States Armed Forces and include "The" as part of the name.
This simple notification process and proof that you sent it actually completes the discharge process. I recommend sending such important correspondence via Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested.
Do not use Certified Mail for this. Certified Mail is a special class of mail between government offices and government officers. If you are not acting as a Federal Person of some kind, you should not use Certified Mail.
Changing your political status back to your birthright political status as an American does not change or endanger any pensions or other benefits owed to you as a U.S. veteran.
With respect to militias, the only militias recognized under the Constitutions are the "well-regulated" militias operated by the State Assemblies. This is important to know, because unless you are operating as a State Assembly Militia, you can be "mistaken" as a "rebel" (I guess they assume that you are at least 174 years old and still a threat?) or "insurgent" or "insurrectionist".
Please do not jeopardize the legitimacy of your claim to your constitutional guarantees by back-sliding and failure to declare your identity and political status as an American State National or American State Citizen.
Help us all out here by joining your official State Assembly Militia and putting an end to any supposition about who you are and what you are doing --- and your right to keep and bear arms in your own country.
The greatest threat to our Constitutional Guarantees, including the right to keep and bear arms, is our generalized failure to declare and record the fact that we are Americans and are therefore owed those Guarantees.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/05/i-cannot-over-emphasize-for-military.html

Download and print http://annavonreitz.com/emphasizeformilitaryvets.pdf

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processes found on these websites:
Download and print https://annavonreitz.com
SearchAnnaVonReitz-com https://searchannavonreitz.com/
Discussion http://paulstramer.net
Correct Your Status https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/
Assembly Training https://www.assemblytraining.us/
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Thank you. ~ Ed

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