Seeing Angels As They Truly Are. The Grand Deception. The Creation Story. - #WorldPeaceProjects

3 years ago

Seeing Angels As They Truly Are. The Grand Deception. The Creation Story. - #WorldPeaceProjects

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Many of you asked what do we do now with the knowledge that angels are Annunaki.

Through our own free will, it is our responsibility to be aware that the way we perceive any information is our choosing. It is all our perspective. It is interpreted through own being. There is always a multidimensional perspective that can be difficult to grasp because we live in a 3rd dimensional reel-ality. If you have a desire to receive guidance, please have an open mind. And interpret through your guidance.

The Creation Story is very important to be aware of. The Archons are the Elohim. Angels translates to messengers. The hierarchy of angels in the Bible are actually the hierarchy of the Annunaki crew from the Spaceship the came to Earth at that time. At that time, the Annunaki called Earth Eridu, meaning home away from home.

Heaven was simply a word that the Annunaki used to refer to the cosmos and also certain parts of Earth that offered them resources and pleasure.

Revoking the False White has been an extremely powerful experience for me. I have had a VERY palpable shift in my ability to connect to pure source now that I have specifically revoke the Arch Angels and the Angels.

The victim/savior experience is our ultimate trap in the NET/SUPPRESSOR MATRIX.

We have Free Will, therefor we opt in to being manipulated and coerced. We need to wake up and take responsibility for our victim/savior experience because we willingly give away our power by choosing to be a victim.
Barbara Marciniak's Channeling:​

Zecharia Sitchin's work:

The Pleiadian Agenda. By: Barbara Hand Clow

David Icke 2016 - The History Of The Archons​

Magenta Pixie Channeling:​

Tiamat's Story:​​

Enuma Elish:​

Sovereign Ki:​


▪️For healings:


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