Episode 41: Sarah Stephens

3 years ago

The propaganda machine has been shifted into overdrive as news outlets begin to ramp up the fear-porn over the unvaccinated in an attempt to brow-beat the hesitant into submission. The TSA has extended mask mandates until such time as they can justify them again (cold and flu season), even though the science says they are completely useless in any setting. People are starting to realize that mask mandates aren't medical science, but behavioral science and are not necessary to be worn outdoors or for any reason. And the strong arm of the Executive branch of government in Germany has been sicced upon the judicial branch for its denial of mask-wearing for children.

Then we are joined by CA gubernatorial candidate, Sarah Stephens. We'll be discussing her run for the governorship, her plans for fixing a broken state, and the actions she intends to take to make California gold again. We cover her thoughts on small-business, education, foreign policy, and much more!

Episode Notes:

Sarah Stephens

Campaign Page - https://www.makecaliforniagoldagain.com/

Social Media (FB, IG, Twitter, TikTok) - @sarahstephensforgovernor

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Action Items:

TSA Extends Mask Mandate - https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/05/01/992703495/tsa-extends-mask-mandate-aboard-flights-through-summer-as-travel-increases

Getting Compliance by Shunning the 'Vaccine Hesitant' - https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/04/30/require-covid-vaccine-resume-normal-life-herd-immunity-column/4886673001/

Vaccine Hesitant are Covid Deniers -https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/04/its-not-vaccine-hesitancy-its-covid-denialism/618724/

Anti-Mask Scientist Ridiculed for Citing Science - https://www.thedailybeast.com/meet-the-anti-mask-michigan-scientist-stoking-the-fourth-wave

Forced-Masking is Behavioral Science Not Medical- https://townhall.com/columnists/scottmorefield/2021/04/12/forced-masking-is-behavioral-science-not-medical-and-theyve-been-playing-us-the-whole-time-n2587746

End Outdoor Mask Wearing - https://slate.com/technology/2021/04/masks-outside-covid-risk-low.html

German Cops Raid Anti-Mask Judge - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/german-police-ransack-home-doctor-provides-evidence-court-children-endangered-mental-physical-spiritual-obligation-wear-face-masks/

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